Can you feel it? The days are getting longer, the air is getting warmer, the sun is shining brighter! It’s the first day of summer and it’s important to enjoy the nice weather, while also keeping your little one safe from the heat. Here are a few tips how:
Keeping Your Baby Comfee and Safe This Summer
Did you know that a short evaluation by the Environmental Working Group found that most sunscreens would flunk the FDA's proposed standards for safety and efficacy against the sun? That can be a little scary to hear, but just remember to be cognizant about the sunscreens you choose for your baby. Certain chemicals like avobenzone, oxybenzone, ecamsule, and octocrylene can enter a person’s bloodstream, while ingredients like zinc oxide and titanium dioxide may be safer choices. And don’t forget to re-apply often, at least every two hours using a lotion with SPF of at least 30!
You can have your baby looking cute AND protected against harmful UV rays just by putting them in UV protective swimsuits/clothing! But don’t forget sunscreen in areas that aren’t covered!
Babies can’t sweat effectively like adults in order to cool themselves down and it’s much harder for them to withstand higher temperatures. In fact, overdressing a baby or not providing the right type of ventilation can lead to a heat rash, heat stroke, or worse.
- Spend time in the shade
- Avoid being outside during the hottest hours of the day (between 10 am - 2 pm)
- Keep an eye out for signs of exhaustion or dehydration like a flushed face, restlessness, skin that’s warm to the touch or in some cases, vomiting
Even if you can’t see your baby sweating, they may be losing precious fluid in the heat. Though babies under 6 months shouldn’t yet drink water, it’s important to replace lost fluids by breastfeeding more frequently or giving more formula. Keep an eye out for wet diapers to make sure your baby is having as many wet diapers as usual. Comfees newborn sizes 1, 2, 3 diapers even have wet indicators so you know, and can keep track, when it’s time for a change!
Speaking of Water…
The pool can be an AMAZING summer afternoon activity to cool down, but can also be dangerous for little ones without proper supervision and care. Here are a few more tips on how to have fun and stay safe at the pool:
Getting your baby involved in swim lessons early is a great way to put your mind at ease a bit. Though it’s always important to keep a close watch or have children use the “buddy system” at the pool, knowing that your child understands the basics of staying afloat can make all the difference. Swimming can also be a wonderful opportunity to play with your child and a great learning activity.
Summer is all about having fun and relishing in longer days, the sun, and time with your little ones. You can create such great memories – so have fun, stay safe, and enjoy being outside with your baby!